integrative energy healing
integrative energy healing
integrative energy healing
integrative energy healing

As Integrative Energy Healing practitioners, we believe that the body/spirit knows how to heal itself, but sometimes needs a facilitator to support and guide the process.

Illness, pain, emotional disturbance or any other type of discomfort is a signal that we are out of balance in some aspect of our being. Some activity, habit, or perception is misaligned with what we need in order to be healthy.

Healing is the process by which one is restored from this state of dis-harmony to a state of balance and wellness. It does not necessarily mean curing or eliminating symptoms, but gaining awareness and anew perception of all the parts that make up the whole individual.

Healing only comes about through change. Sometimes we are required to take on something new and other times we need to let go. It is up to each of us to determine what we need in order to become whole.

Compromised wellness can be overwhelming. Sometimes we need to seek outside assistance. An Integrative Energy Healing practitioner can help you bring awareness to the places in your body where release and healing are needed. S/he can guide you in allowing the energetic repatterning that will help your body heal. In the process, blockages are removed, wounds are repaired, trauma is released, and energy is freed up, allowing you to lead a more productive and meaningful life.

See Find an Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner.